

















にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ サンクチュアリ教会へ


  1. 原文(韓国語)が英訳(by C・Morton)されたものから日本語に翻訳しました。(管理人)


    To my Parents,
    I hope you understand correctly about this coming Holy Wine Ceremony and act accordingly.
    First of all I would like to express my gratitude to you that I could be born as second generation. Here I am explaining about the providence …now am I grown up a lot? You expressed interest and have asked me to explain about the present situation so I will try to write down as much as I know.
    The role of The Messiah, True Father, is the restoration of the Blood Lineage of all mankind. The role of True Mother is as the absolute object partner to support True Father in the providence of restoration of the blood Lineage. Restoration of Lineage is achieved through direct Lineage and conditional blessing. Therefore many True Children have to be born in the direct linage.
    Even after His Seong-Hwa, True Father continues to exist in the spiritual world as a substantial truth body. But on the earth He can’t do restoration directly. Holy wine should be made by the Messiah personally.
    The authority to Bless for the restoration of blood Lineage is given to His direct Lineage. That authority was given to his Heir [Dae-Shin-Ja] who succeeded to keep the pure Lineage. To arrive at that final decision, as many of us know, other True Children have gone through many difficulties and sacrifices. It is sad and regrettably is our sin.
    Then if the role of True Parents is the restoration of blood Lineage, True Mother’s role is to support the Heir who inherited the authority of the restoration of blood Lineage so he can do his mission well.
    When the object partner does her or his role well, it’s not just the subject who shines, but the object partner as well, even more. Here, subject-object does not compare to the simple worldly terms of the relationship of man and woman, but the position of absolute object to Heavenly Father’s blood Lineage.
    True Father has revealed this, but even in the Bible is the record of the sexual relationship with the Father in Law in order to continue the Heavenly blood Lineage. Mary who conceived as a Virgin, obeying God’s calling, and Elizabeth who helped Mary to receive the Holy Spirit were one with God’s providence as it went forward through the faith of heroic women who cherished the Heavenly Lineage more than life. As we can see, even Old and New Testament era women accepted their unconventional position, and more so the wife of The Lord of second Advent, True Mother, should have more dedication and love to uphold God’s Lineage.
    The restoration of blood Lineage is achieved conditionally through the holy wine and 3-day ceremony. The Messiah comes in the bridegroom position, and the wife is taking the position of bride. Through the 3-day ceremony, the men who were in the Archangel position are restored to the son’s position. Women who were in the Eve position are restored to the bride position as God’s daughter.
    I am very grateful to be born through my parent’s Holy wine ceremony and 3-day ceremony. Also I shall teach about this course of restoration to my children with pride.
    Holy wine symbolizes Heavenly Father’s blood Lineage and God’s seed. Without the Messiah who comes as male, no one can make Holy Wine or reverse the Lineage. This is not just Unification Church’s Divine Principle, but the hard and fast, basic spiritual principle for the building of the universe.
    God would not attend the wedding ceremony of His chased-out children of Adam and Eve and give His blessing. In that vacant seat of God, Satan would sit. Therefore, the descendants of Adam and Eve became Satan’s children.
    True Mother’s Blessing ceremony is not the principled one.
    The true owner of Heavenly Father’s blood Lineage is True Father who inherited Heavenly Father’s seed. Therefore he has the authority as direct blood linage “male” to perform the reversal of the blood Lineage. To ignore this is different from similar acts in an ordinary family. It is a God-forsaken act. God is the God of love, but God does not dwell in an unprincipled realm. And if God is not present, Satan is coming.
    From what point did the current situation start, and who is at fault? Could we accuse others like Satan does? This is the result our Blessed Central Families’ not fulfilling our own portion of responsibility and my own sin.
    Even now True Mother should start to help True Father’s Dae-Shin-Ja, a true son, perform the ceremonies of restoration of heavenly blood Lineage. What can we do for this present situation?
    The suffering and difficulties we face today has to do with us. The UC elders and senior BCFs and all of us who are supposed to protect True Family have responsibility for this. They received the most precious blessing from heaven but are now in a position to be accused by Satan.
    Satan tests us in vicious ways. Unable to make a mature judgment in accordance with Principle and just obeying and following, our pure faith would be utterly misused. In the midst of that atmosphere, we don’t even recognize that even the traces of True Father’s memory are vanishing before our eyes.
    Religion is not doomed because people leave the organization. But when the center and the essence is lost, it is already doomed and bankrupt.
    Am I scared that I’ll be doomed? Or is it more frightening that True Parents are mocked?
    Our young and growing 2nd and 3rd generation brothers and sisters did not even once seen True Father in person!
    Memories, photos of Father, His words at Hoon-Dok-Hae and our traditions are slowly fading away. When I look at our younger 2nd gens, they have lost awareness of the importance of purity. It has been only four years since TF’s Seong-Hwa. When we continue in this way, in 10~20 years, would TF’s name Moon Sun-Myung still remain in people’s minds?
    Seeing wrong things and keeping quiet, is that righteous? Or is seeing wrong and saying something righteous? Which is it? When the independence fighters were caught and tortured they could be spared by just revealing the names of their comrades. Martyrs could have saved their lives if they had denied their faith and simply betrayed Jesus.
    We attended True Father, the Lord of the Second Advent and through Him we received the Blessing and the 3-day ceremony which is the restoration of the blood Lineage. What should our attitude and heart be now? Jesus came as 2nd Adam and True Father came as the returning Lord. From that point, True Father and his Heir are one. If you have still any longing for True Father, in spirit, look for the living True Father in the one who inherited His mission.
    If we think we live 100 years which is like one second, we cannot fathom God’s heart. This way, from the 3rd and 4th generations to a thousand years and then ten thousand years, God’s and True Father’s Lineage will continue. That blood Lineage of Heavenly Father which in Jesus’s time was not fulfilled and which Heavenly Father longed for so much and Satan, grinding his teeth, tried to destroy is the focus. It is our responsibility to guard the purity and preserve the continuation of that Lineage at the cost of our lives. We must realize how to wisely decide and fulfill our responsibility.
    Thank you parents for showing the example through many years of fasting and prayer.


  2. 石黒晴夫 の発言:

    その通りだと思います。 イエス様も神様の血統を残す為に来られました。 真のお父様も神様の血統を残す為に来られました。 韓オモニは、再臨主の対象の位置を守り、神様の血統を残す為に、協助すべきなので、堕落の血統を転換するという観点から、全く家庭連合の聖酒式は、無意味であり、再び堕落の血統に戻るようなサタン的行為であると言えるでしょう。 2代王、3代王に繋がりお支えすべき責任を全うし、艱難を感謝と喜びで越え、天一国を迎えたく思います。

    いいね: 1人
